Burrows Wheeler

WEB Compute Burrows-Wheeler Transform

Written by Bernhard Haubold

This program takes as input a string and returns its.

By Robbie Ostrow January 14, 2016

Human Genome Resequencing Resequencing

The Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) was developed in 1994 by Michael Burrows and David Wheeler. It is a reversible transformation that can be used to compress data. The BWT has been used in a variety of applications, including text compression, genome sequencing, and data mining.

The BWT works by sorting the input string in lexicographic order and then concatenating the last column of the sorted string with the first column. The resulting string is the BWT of the input string. The BWT can be reversed by sorting the string in the reverse order and then concatenating the first column of the sorted string with the last column.

The BWT has a number of advantages over other compression algorithms. First, the BWT is lossless, meaning that no information is lost during compression. Second, the BWT is relatively fast, both to compute and to reverse. Third, the BWT can be used to compress a wide variety of data types, including text, images, and audio.

The BWT has been used in a number of applications, including:

  • Text compression: The BWT is used in a number of text compression algorithms, including the Burrows-Wheeler algorithm (BWA) and the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm (LZMA).
  • Genome sequencing: The BWT is used in a number of genome sequencing algorithms, including the BWA and the Illumina Genome Analyzer.
  • Data mining: The BWT is used in a number of data mining algorithms, including the Apriori algorithm and the FP-growth algorithm.

The BWT is a powerful tool that can be used to compress data and to perform a variety of data analysis tasks. It is a versatile and efficient algorithm that has a wide range of applications.

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